Who doesn't enjoy travelling? God, I love travelling. I enjoy the planning, the anticipation, the hanging about airports, the arriving, trying to fathom the local language and transport networks, the sightseeing, the sampling of weird and wonderful foods and of course, the photos and memories once you're back. Due to work and personal commitments I've had to take my travel opportunities where I can but I'm still fortunate to have been to some pretty amazing places - I've trekked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, I've taken part, albeit unwittingly, in an anti-imperialist march in Havana and I've visited former KGB haunts in Estonia. But I've also been planning a big trip in my head for a while now, waiting for the right time to make it a reality. Well now the opportunity has presented itself and so, in April this year, I'm leaving my job and taking a six-month career break, during which time I plan to travel to some of the places that have so far eluded me.
Top of the list is South-East Asia - Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore followed by trips to Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. Planning began in earnest in February and, barring the occasional outbreak of crushing procrastination, everything is pretty much organised. On 20 April I'll be on my way and this is the route (below) that I'll be taking. More updates from the road.